General Information

The seeds of what would become the Onaqui Catalogue Foundation (OCF) were sown in 2018. That year we began working in partnership with the public and other organizations to catalogue all members of the Onaqui herd. After the roundup in 2019, we realized just cataloging the horses wasn’t enough. We realized the public needed access to information about HMA boundaries, grazing allotments within the HMA, PZP darting information, and other info relevant to this herd of horses and the HMA they live within. Thus we set out to gather fact-based information and data to provide better ways to communicate that information to the public as an approved 501(c)(3) non profit organized in Utah .
What started as one individual’s carefully documented observations has now evolved into a near complete scientific cataloguing of over 500 horses and a cache of resources usable by the public empowering you to make your own informed decisions about efforts championing this herd. OCF is able to do this because we created a community of supporters conducting citizen science who contribute data back to the OCF team who then makes this info available to the public.
Citizen science is at the heart of what we do: Cataloging individual horses, recording foals births, taking note of local names and histories of individual horses, observing band dynamics, tracking the application of PZP, and collecting and sharing other relevant data about this historically significant herd.
Thank you all for your support over the years – we literally couldn’t do it without you! Sharing this data you collect with the public is key to our mission to help everyone understand the herd and the HMA these horses call home.
We have more exciting information coming soon as we build out the tools so that we can further the collective effort to document the herd and other info, share that info, and empower you to expand your knowledge of these beautiful and beloved wild horses.